To make California the Golden State again, we must restore political balance in Sacramento. For nearly three decades the Democrat Super Majority has done nothing but bring our state to its knees. From the high cost of living to uncontrollable crime on our streets. All of us must work together if we want to give California a bright future.
As you read this, Conservatives in California are outnumbered 2 to 1. So the first thing we must focus on is growing our numbers. We do this by going into neighborhoods that feel neglected or forgotten by both parties. Our outreach efforts focus on educating our communities on issues that affect them from all levels of government. We also help candidates who share our principles get elected. Finally, we are really going after the Latino Vote. The Latino Vote is key to changing the politics in California.
By signing up, you will not only learn more about volunteer opportunities in your neighborhood, but you also will be a part of a national movement to protect our core Hispanic Conservative principles.
Sign up to become a local volunteer today, and one of our team members will contact you with more information.